Global Investor Program (GIP)

The Global Investor Programme (GIP) accords Singapore Permanent Resident status (PR) to eligible global investors who intend to drive their businesses and investment growth from Singapore. You will need to have a substantial business track record and successful entrepreneurial background to qualify. 


As an investor who is interested in starting a business or investing in Singapore, you may apply for the Singapore Permanent Residence status (PR) through the Global Investor Programme (GIP). You are eligible to apply if you meet the following qualifying criteria:

Established Business OwnersNext Generation Business Owners Founders of Fast Growth Companies Family Office Principals
a) You must possess at least 3 years of entrepreneurial and business track record;
b) You should currently be running a company 1 with an annual turnover of at least S$200 million in the year immediately preceding your application, and
at least S$200 million per annum on average for the three years immediately preceding your application;
c) If your company is privately held2, you should have at least 30% shareholding in the company; AND
d) Your company must be engaged in one or more of the industries listed in Annex B.
a) Your immediate family should have at least 30% shareholding or is the largest shareholder in the company you use to qualify;
b) This company’s annual turnover must be at least S$500 million in the year immediately preceding your application, and at least S$500 million per annum on
average for the three years immediately preceding your application;
c) You must be part of the management team of the
company (e.g. C-suite / Board of Directors); AND
d) Your company must be engaged in one or more of the industries listed in Annex B.
a) You must be a founder and one of the largest individual shareholders of a company with a valuation of at least S$500 million;
b) Your company must be invested into by reputable Venture Capital /Private Equity firms; AND
c) Your company must be engaged  in one or more of the industries listed in Annex B.
a) You must possess at least 5 years of entrepreneurial, investment or management track record; AND
b) You must have net investible  assets of at least S$200 million.
(NB: Net Investible Assets include all
financial assets, such as bank deposits,
capital market products, collective
investment schemes, premiums paid in
respect of life insurance policies and
other investment products, excluding
real estate.)

Option A: Invest S$2.5 million in a new business entity or in the expansion of an existing business operation.

 Applicants who apply for Option A must submit a detailed 5-year business or investment plan with projected employment, expenditure and financial projections that will incur in the Option A company (as outlined in Form B of the GIP Application Form). The business plan will be assessed based on its feasibility, your role in growing the Option A company, the business activities and the creation of local jobs; and

 You should have at least 30% shareholding in the Option A company and must be part of the management team of the company (e.g. C-suite / Board of Directors); and

 Your Option A company must be engaged in one of the industries listed in Annex B.

Option B: Invest S$2.5 million in a GIP fund that invests in Singapore-based companies.

 Applicants who apply for Option B will be assessed based on their future business or investment plans in Singapore. This may include specific details on proposed business activities, amount of investment, creation of local jobs, etc.

Option C: Invest S$2.5 million in a new or existing Singapore-based single family office having Assets-Under-Management (AUM*) of at least S$200 million

 Applicants who apply for Option C must submit a detailed 5-year business plan with projected employment and annual financial projections (as outlined in Form B of the GIP Application Form). The business plan will be assessed based  on your role in your single family office, the functions of your family office, your proposed investment sectors, asset types and geographical focus.

* Offshore assets can be qualified as part of the AUM requirement, provided at least S$50 million investible AUM has been transferred into and held in Singapore.

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